Friday, December 31, 2010
Take It Easy
Just rest. Take it easy. As the song says, "what slips through the cracks is just gonna go ahead and fall." Nothing's so crucial. Just relax. Enjoy. Appreciate. Notice. Breathe.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Something New
Before you know it, life will hand something new to experience. Before you know it, someone will surprise you. Before you know it you will be given a precious gift. Watch for it!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
You Are Worthy, Lovable, Precious
You know how beloved you are. You know how worthy you are, how precious. You know how love has made you and is made by you. You know. By slowing down, getting quiet, you open up to the consciousness of this knowledge. When you are unconscious of them, your worth, your lovability, these things do not leave you. All it takes is opening up and reconnecting. No one can make you unworthy or unlovable, not your parents, not even yourself. But sometimes you lose the connection. Sometimes you forget. Remember yourself. Remember your true, eternal self. You do not become worthy by achievement or kindness or creativity. You are worthy, and therefore you achieve, behave kindly, and create. Remember.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Spirit Communication
We are always ready to communicate directly to you if you are willing to listen. We are always sending our love and guidance. Find whatever means works for you to tune in and listen. Prayer, meditation, tarot, yoga, exercise, automatic writing. All forms of spirit communication are avenues of connection with your guides and loved ones in other dimensions. Using a medium to translate our messages is perfectly fine. Just remember that you can be your own medium as well. Your higher self can communicate freely with us. Just try it!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Choose Light. Choose Life. Choose Love.
Before you go blaming yourself, before you go blaming others, before you decide all is not well, just remember, you are on your path, you are on your path, you are on your path. Your path is blessed, beyond your imagining. You are protected and guided on your path by felt, though mostly unseen, forces. You are able to choose light and openness and connection every moment. You are able to choose life over fear. Love over fear. Choose light, choose life, choose love.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Your Own Sweet Life
Appreciate the positive aspects of the holiday season, and pull your attention away from the things that you react to with distress. People spend too much on things they don't need? Don't judge them or pity them, just wish them well, and make your own spending in line with your highest good. People drink and eat too much? Merely turn your attention to your own habits, and do the best you can to stay in line with your highest good. Some people are lonely? Send them your love and do your best to connect with those around you. Other people have the right to their own choices, their own paths. You are only in charge of your own. Bless them, and bring your attention back to your own sweet life.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Awakening of the Human Potential
Be aware of your gifts and share them with the world. Receive openly and with appreciation, and give of yourself generously and with humility. You have many things to offer. Trust yourself, open up, and show your beautiful, talented, divine true self every day. We love you! We are proud of you! We want you to succeed and be happy! Play your part in the awakening of the human potential.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Moment by Luminous Moment
Please pay attention to how you talk about yourself, about others, and about the situation you are in. With your words, spoken or unspoken, you create your experience of reality. Stay positive, stay loving, stay enthusiastic about what is. That is how you create a wonderful life, moment by luminous moment.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Atonement, Redemption, Grace
Atonement, redemption, grace. When you have done wrong, when you have caused harm, apologize and make it right if you can. If there's no correcting the mistake, perhaps you can atone for your wrongdoing. Find a way to give to the world that will counter the wrong you have done. See clearly your mistake, forgive yourself, and take good action in the future. Therein lies grace.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Life Is Funny
What's funny about this life? Everything. Really, everything can be viewed with humor. Of course, give the situation your serious attentinon. Of course, weigh your options and make good decisions. But really, everything can be laughed at, most of all your precious self living your precious life. In human form, we make hilarious mistakes all the time. In human form, we can make gentle humor out of every life experience. Guard against humor at another's expense, but really, life is funny.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Laugh Out Loud With the Thrill of the Journey
The landscape has many features. As you walk along, you find smooth, flat pathways, rocky ones, steep, and even treacherous ones. No matter. Your foot is sure, your aim is true, your guidance and protection are with you always. Listen for the babbling brook. Look up in the sky and find the sun. Allow the birds and beasts to share with you their blessings. All of nature is ready to commune with you. Every step is supported along the way. You will find other humans to join you in your journey, some for life, some for just a little while. Slow down. Breathe. Every step is supported. All around you are glorious beings to enjoy and share with. Feel the breeze. Hear the birdsong. Laugh out loud with the thrill of the journey.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Please allow yourself some fun every single day. There is always a way to make time for a date with a friend, a relaxing warm bath, an enjoyable movie, a night out for some entertainment, a little artistic endeavor, a funny conversation over the phone. Nothing is so important, so serious that it does not allow for fun and relaxation. Live a little! No, live a lot!
Monday, December 13, 2010
You Are Divine, Infinite, Eternal
Please allow your own version of the divine to guide you. Please know that the energy that is the universe, the energy that is god, the energy that is the collective unconscious, the energy that is all that is, the energy that is truth, the energy that is power, is infinite, and it is infinitely flexible and mutable. It is in you, surrounding you, of you. You create the energy and are created by it. Whatever forms and words you choose for the divine will serve you well. Open up your heart and mind to the energy of the divine, the infinite, the eternal. You are this energy.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Doing What You Love
Don't be afraid of your talents. Don't be afraid to shine. Don't be afraid to stand out. Take a chance and show your true self, in all its glory, to the world. Take a chance. The world needs you to be your wonderful self, doing what you love, loving what you do. Take a chance.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Be Open and Willing and Ready to Receive
Be confident when you ask the universe to provide for you. Be open to the positive response we want to give you. Be willing and ready to receive our blessings. Be open to the wondrous gift of life and love and accomplishment and generosity and joy and fulfillment that is here for you now. Right now. Be open and willing and ready.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A Beam of Light
You have within you the love and comfort you need to be happy. You have within you the wisdom and knowledge you need to succeed. You have within you the abilities you need to learn and grow. Open up to the greatness within you. Open up to the power at your command. Open up to your true, glorious self. Send out a beam of light into the universe. You are that beam of light.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Be Honest With Yourself
Above all, be honest with yourself. When you are avoiding, obfuscating, rationalizing, excusing, at least recognize it. Maybe that's all you can manage right now, but it's a start. No need to judge or feel ashamed, just notice, and see if a different decision would serve you better, would serve your highest good. Gently, and with compassion, be honest with yourself.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Everything Is Fine
Everywhere you go, you are blessed and protected. Only believe it, and you will relax and find your bliss. Everything is absolutely fine. Everything.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Cradle Your Heart
Whenever you are sad, simply cradle your heart in love and acceptance. Sadness, like all emotions, will pass. Listen for any message you need to hear in the feeling, take action if that is a good thing, and let it go. Cradle your heart.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Beauty and Power of Your True Self
Imagine yourself soaring over the earth. Imagine the freedom and the perspective. Pull away from any situation to this eagle's-eye view. From here, you can relax. From here, you can see that it is not so important. From this vantage point you can see that all is well. Just relax, and take the next good step. Just soar, and feel the beauty and power of the world. Feel the beauty and power of your true self.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Be Gentle
We suggest you try the word "gentle" as your mantra today. Be gentle with those to whom you often respond with annoyance or anger. Be gentle with your physical body and your emotions. Be gentle with your heart and your spirit. Imagine a loving hand guiding and protecting you always. We are that loving hand. Be gentle.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Past Is Gone
Don't say "that never works." Say instead "so far that hasn't worked." Don't say "I can't." Say "so far, I haven't figured out how to." The past is gone, the future is mutable. There are many, many possibilities. Look at right now, and choose what's good, cheerful, funny, relaxing, energizing, forward-looking, encouraging, supportive of growth. Life is good.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Someone Is Wishing You Well
Allow the cheerfulness in. It's all around you. If you don't see it in the face of the one closest to you, send up a prayer for that child of god and look beyond. You will find a cheerful face, a curious mind. Or, if not in another person, you will find it in a bird's song, dog's trot, a flower's bloom. Someone is wishing you well, always.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Be Reborn
Let yourself go. Let your Self go. Be reborn in purity and curiosity and wisdom. Be as you were in spirit--light and free. Be as you were at birth, all-knowing and all accepting. Open up your heart. You are divinely protected.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Totality of You
Remember your loved ones who have transcended this earthly realm. They are with you still. Your energy is limitless, unfettereed by time or space. So when you are in spirit, you are able to be everywhere. When you are in spirit you are able to appear to your earth-bound friends as your old self, and you are able to work on your journey over here. Even after you have reincarnated, you are able still to come to your loved ones when your support as your old self would be a comfort and encouragement. The piece of you having the earthly experience is circumscribed, the totality of you is not.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Appreciate Everything
Appreciate everything. Appreciate the life you have created. Appreciate your delicious breakfast. Appreciate your friends and family. Appreciate your troubles for helping you grow. Appreciate your emotions for informing you. Appreciate your own hard work and good effort. Appreciate the birds in the trees and the stars in the sky. Appreciate the creativity of your fellow humans. Appreciate art, music, dancce, drama. Appreciate your health and your aches and pains. Appreciate humor wherever you find it. Appreciate sun and rain. Appreciate your belongings. Appreciate everything.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Your Beaming Smile
Simply breathe. At this time of year, many of you humans work yourselves up into a lather over old expectations, none of which need mean anything to you. Simply breathe, enjoy the day. Do what you choose to do, and release concern for all else. Share your beaming smile and your relaxed energy with others. That is the best gift you can give them in the holiday season.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Right Action and Loving Response
Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions and allow others their own part. Do not try to control others, even if your intention is benign. Allow each person her own power, his own responsibility, her own freedom to choose, his own path. Be a model of right action and loving response, encourage others, love and accept others.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Bless Those Who Resist Blessing
Please do not despair when looking at world events. Simply do what is in your heart and will and power to do on the side of light and love. Whatever is happening, you can always send up your good, loving, healing energy into the universe. Bless those who resist blessings. Accept their resistance--it is where they are right now. But railing against them does no one any good. Bless them all the more. Hold in your mind the vision of a world of peace and well-being.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Choose Life
Please note the difference between acceptance and resignation. Many times you say "I don't care" when really what you mean is "I care very much, but it looks like it's not getting me anywhere, so I give up." That is resistance falling into resignation. Resignation keeps you depressed and unhappy. True acceptance is relaxing and liberating and uplifting. What is, is. It's as simple as that. Why make that a problem? Just look at your situation, and choose where to focus your thoughts and energy. Choose life, love, compassion, appreciation.
Friday, November 19, 2010
You Can Do It
Everyone is open to you, if you allow them. Everyone accepts you, if you allow them. Well, maybe not, but really it doesn't matter. Everyone, in their heart of hearts is open. When they are not showing you acceptance, they are reacting from their own anxiety. Let it be. Continue loving them. You can do it.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
There's Nothing Wrong With You
How would it be if you just accepted that everything is perfectly fine? All is well. How does your body feel, knowing that there's nothing wrong with you? Start there.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Love Yourself, Love Your Work, Take a Risk
Allow yourself to risk being criticized, being mocked even. When you show your true self, when you put your work out into the world, there is always the possibility of someone not liking it, making fun of it, condemning it. That's okay. As long as you stay in your heart, and gather around you people who love you, you are completely protected. Other people can have their opinions without impinging on your good energy. Love yourself. Love your work. Share your particular genius with others. That is what life on earth is all about.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Who's There?
For your connection with us to remain strong, all it takes is a few moments. Whenever you think of it, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and ask "who's there?" We will answer you! Sometimes when you feel the connection, your primary emotional response will be of sadness -- sadness and regret for the years you have not been open to us. Please let that feeling pass. Now is what is important. Now you are listening. That's what matters. Soon, whenever you connect with us, you will feel a calm and peaceful joy, a natural relaxation and satisfaction. Soon, merely closing your eyes and consciously breathing will bring a smile to your lips and your heart. And with that smile, with your heart open and relaxed, your beautiful self will shine out for all the world to see. You are beautiful.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Your True Self
Because of your own innate abilities and your plan for this lifetime, you have something special to offer the world. Please do not be afraid. Please know that you are protected. Follow your intuition and your heart. Be your true self as deeply and fully as you can manage. We are with you always.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Beings of Pure Energy
Take a blanket and lay it on the ground, somewhere far from the city. Lie down and watch the sky. Imagine the vastness of your earth's atmosphere, then imagine moving beyond your atmosphere to the near planets. Then keep going to the far reaches of your solar system, and on to the edge of your galaxy. Keep going. Travel through time and space to a place where all is well, all is known. Feel yourself as pure energy, just floating in space. Now begin to sense around you other beings of pure energy. Smile. You are home.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Your Life Is Your Art
The artists among you have chosen to live their art and share it with the world. You are also an artist, even if your work is not on stage, or hanging in a gallery, or projected onto a screen. Your work is your art. And, even more profoundly, your life is your art. Treat it with the respect and appreciation that you give to the art of music, fiction, film, painting, drama, sculpture. When you give your work and your life the respect and love it deserves, it nourishes your soul and enriches the lives of all whom you encounter.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tune In
Let yourself enjoy fully the experiences of your day. Really tune in. Love the place where you are, the people around you. Love yourself. Feel the air, notice the sounds and sights and smells. The earth is a wonderful place to spend your time. Lap it up.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
You Are a Student and a Teacher
When you are here with us in spirit, between adventures on earth, you have the ability to see your journey as a whole. You have the ability to understand where you are headed, and to make choices about the next lifetime. All is known to you at a deep, deep energetic level. You make your decisions about your next earth life and you enlist the help of your soul circle. You choose your companions for the optimal learning experience. Look around you today. Who is in your life? Each person made a pact with you, when you were both in spirit, to play a particular role in your journey. Be grateful, even when the lesson seems hard. Appreciate that, even if it doesn't seem so, the lesson is hard for that person, as well, for you are also a teacher for him. Taking this attitude will allow you to release judgment and have compassion for all who walk the earth with you.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Peaceful Confidence
Always allow yourself a peaceful confidence. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, you can be calm and self-assured. Even trying something brand new, you can know that you will approach it with openness and an ability to learn. No need for stress or anxiety. All is well.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Whenever you are lonely, simply put your attention on your present moment. Release what you believe is missing, and notice what is there. Joy is there, contentment. Humor is there. And always, always, always we are there -- we who love you and protect you. We who cherish you and guide you. Open your heart to us and you will never be lonely.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Nothing Is So Serious
Allow a lightness to lift your spirits and your actions. Nothing is so serious that it must dampen your natural ebullience. All is well. Laugh. Have fun. Relax.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Welcome Energy
Please know that when you go through life with grace ad appreciation, you will find happiness and contentment. Even when things don't go your way, you will be peaceful if you simply accept the ups and downs, resist judging others, and laugh at your own missteps. You will add a welcome energy to any gathering, any situation, when peaceful acceptance is your mien.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Way to Listen
One way to connect with us is through automatic writing. Somehow the pen in your hand allows you to lower the barrier between us. Try it. Put on some soothing music or some ecstatic drumming, sit quietly with pen in hand, and just relax. Your hand will begin to move and, if you request it, begin to form words. Kathie has found, though, that doing it through the computer works best for her. And she can read our words after she's done, which is rarely true when she's writing by hand. We are always available to you. The trick is in finding a way to listen that works for you. Blessings.
Monday, November 1, 2010
You Are Safe
More often than not, what happens will please you. More often than not, you can find the humor in any situation. For the times when the events displease or distress you, always remember we are with you and that you have within you the resources to cope with any happenstance. Trust yourself and trust your guides and trust your world. You are safe.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
We are so happy when you are listening. When you are listening, the best of your heart is open to all the possibilities of your present moment. When you are listening, the world is at your fingertips. Never mind what your anxiety chimes in with. Never mind what the skeptics say. When you are listening, you are one with all that is.
Friday, October 29, 2010
More Than You Now Know
More than your know, you are protected. More than you know, you are blessed. More than you know, you are loved. Trust in the process of life. Trust in your undying karmic progress. Trust in your guides and angels. Trust in yourself. More than you now know, you are one with us and with all that is.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Life Is Always Offering
Life is always offering you something. Life is always presenting you with opportunites. Be awake, have your eyes and heart open. Keep your head up, and watch for these chances to grow, to achieve, to contribute, to love.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Don't Hold Back
Please, please believe in yourself. Please encourage yourself with your self-talk. When you hear yourself doubting, criticizing, giving up, just say "that's just anxiety talking. Really, I can give it a try and see what happens!" You have so much to offer the world. Don't hold back.
Monday, October 25, 2010
When Love Is In Charge
When love is in charge, you are accepting, gentle, generous, relaxed, happy, open, fun-loving, creative, full of ideas and good humor. When fear is in charge, you are anxious, short-tempered, suspicious, timid, angry, selfish, and stuck. When fear is in charge, you take everything personally and believe the world is laughing at you or judging you. When love is in charge you understand that each person is on her own path and that her behavior has very little to do with you. When love is in charge, your face and body glow and exude health and healing. When fear is in charge, your body is tense and prone to disease and physical discomfort. When fear is in charge, you are demanding and judgmental. When love is in charge, you are appreciative and content.
In any situation, you can make a decision to act from love instead of from fear. When you act from love, you create trust, hope, justice, kindness, compassion, dignity, respect, connection, opportunity, joy, peace, creativity, quiet, encouragement, intimacy, confidence, health, freedom, acceptance, beauty. When you act from fear, you create oppression, separation, disease, self-loathing, clutter, discouragement, confusion, loss, self-harm, aggression, loneliness, hate, violence, stagnation, suspicion, distrust, hopelessness. Fear can feel overwhelming and true, but it’s only information. When it is a gut reaction to actual danger, listen to it and make yourself safe. Otherwise, it’s just anxiety—worry about some imagined future occurrence. It only has the power you give it. Choose love.
In any situation, you can make a decision to act from love instead of from fear. When you act from love, you create trust, hope, justice, kindness, compassion, dignity, respect, connection, opportunity, joy, peace, creativity, quiet, encouragement, intimacy, confidence, health, freedom, acceptance, beauty. When you act from fear, you create oppression, separation, disease, self-loathing, clutter, discouragement, confusion, loss, self-harm, aggression, loneliness, hate, violence, stagnation, suspicion, distrust, hopelessness. Fear can feel overwhelming and true, but it’s only information. When it is a gut reaction to actual danger, listen to it and make yourself safe. Otherwise, it’s just anxiety—worry about some imagined future occurrence. It only has the power you give it. Choose love.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Love Is All That Is
Receive love when it comes your way. It is coming your way from everywhere. Notice it, accept it, cherish it, and know that is your birthright. Accept it from firends and family, from animals, from passers-by. But know that it fills you and surrounds you at all times, no matter what. Love is the stuff we are made of. Love is all that is. Lap it up.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Spread Love in the World
Speak up. Tell people how you feel about them. Appreciate their contributions to your life. Connections begin with a word, a touch. Connect, spread love in the world. It is infinite and eternal. There is plenty for everyone. Be a conduit of love, a manifestation of love. Allow the love of the universe to shine forth from your heart. All is well.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Magic Is Everywhere
Listen to the magic in the natural world. Pay attention to the lessons of the earth and her creatures. All is one. All creatures are connected. All are manifestations of the love of the universe. All the creatures of the earth inform and guide her jouney. Listen to the voices all around you. The magic is everywhere.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
You Are Love Incarnate
Beneath the surface of the daily struggle is the eternal bliss. Beneath the worries and cares is the perfect peace. It is not outside of you, this peace, this bliss. It is not in some practice or achievement or certification. It is not available only to "beautiful" or "holy" or "disciplined" humans among you. It is available to all because it is intrinsic in your being. It is what you are made of. The breath of god, the breath of source, the breath of the universe, of multiverses, the breath of being is your soul and your self and your very nature. It is not separate, it is not something you attain. It is merely something you notice and open up to. It is always there. You are one with the peace, with the bliss, with eternal life. You are love incarnate. Know it.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Begin With the Words
You create your reality. Many teachers have made this point. You create your reality with your will, your consciousness and your effort. Begin with the words, the belief and actuation will follow.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Great Mystery
The great mystery is no mystery at all. It is the truth and the light. It is the oneness and the being. It is the stuff of all of us. It is the consciousness of all that is. The mystery is why do we remain so cut off from it? The mystery is why do we rob ourselves of the experience? Surrender, let go of striving. Be.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
We Are You and You Are We
Blessings upon you, our beloved children. We are you and you are we. Know this in your heart and you will be free. Free from worry and doubt. Free from anger and resentment. Free from striving and yearning. All is well and you will know it as you know your true divine nature. All is well. All is well.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Rewards of Surrender
Peacefulness. Acceptance. Doing good work from a place of love and relaxation. Knowing without knowing how you know. These are the rewards of surrender. These are the rewards of letting go of striving, of resistance, of envy, of judgment. Just surrender. We will back you up.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
There Is No Need to Forgive
There is no need to forgive because there is no need to judge. There is no need to judge because everyone is just moving through life with what they have available to them at the moment. You can keep yourself safe, you can find joy and fulfillment, you can bring wonderful friends into your life, you can act in good and loving ways. There is no thought of deserving because there is no not deserving. Just be.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The First Answer
Listen to your inner voice. Listen to your deepest heart. Listen to your divine consciousness. It will not steer you wrong. Once you hear the message, release the tendency to second-guess. The first answer is almost always the right one.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Find the Good
We see you as precious and irreplaceable. We see you as your true divine selves. We wish for you to see each other that way, too. There is good in every one you meet. Respond to good in the other person, and you will be more likely to see the good guiding his behavior. When you respond to the worst, that is what you will be met with. Go into your heart nad find the inner beauty in every creature, including yourself.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Laugh Laugh Laugh
Laugh laugh laugh. Everything is so funny! We believe that one of the best things about being human is all the absurdity of the physical world. Laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. It's good for you in so many ways.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Be Flexible
As you move through your day, adjust to the circumstances. If someone needs your attention, sit and listen. If the traffic slows you down, take the opportunity to breathe deeply and calm your mind. If your energy waivers, rest. Whatever you have set out to do that day is probably not crucial. Be flexible and flow with the changes around you. You will be happier, calmer, and healthier, and you will give and receive more love. Life is precious. Each moment is precious. Live each moment consciously and from a place of love.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Trust Is Life, Hope Is Illusion
Trust is essential, "hope is a thing with feathers." Trust allows you to tap into the beauty and truth of your divine guidance and protection. Hope pins your happiness to something that might be here one minute and gone the next. Trust and a general optimism allow you to walk through your day with your head up, greeting the world and your fellow creatures with a smile. Hope keeps you constantly in the future, which is really only a construct in your mind. Trust is life, hope is illusion.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Question Everything
Question everything that you are told to believe. Go deep within and find out if you really do believe it. Look at your cultural habits, and realize they are only one way of being, not the only way or the best way. Watch for signs of prejudice and judgment in your reactions. They will be there. In a sense, humans are wired that way because of the pattern-making process of learning. New information is scanned into the brain by matching it up with something that is already there. That's how we know a breed of dog we've never seen before is still a dog. It takes consciousness and will to live in the world in a loving and life-affirming way. Question everything.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Speak Your Truth
Be precise in your choices of words and meanings. Know what you are saying, and make your best effort to understand others. When you're not sure what someone means by what he says, ask. You go through life thinking you know how someone else feels, but you don't really know until you check it out. Speak your truth by first knowing your truth. Accept others' truth by first knowing theirs.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Take Care of Yourself
When you are feeling low, just accept it. It'll pass. Don't fault yourself, or seek someone to blame. It's just a mood. Relax and find something to give you solace or a sense of satisfaction. Reach out to a friend or find a counselor. Don't judge or rail against the low moments. They are part of life. Take care of yourself.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Start With Stillness and Appreciation
Find a moment every day when you can say to yourself, "Isn't it lovely how the universe lined that up for me?" Some moment when there is a particular synchronicity that allows for pleasure, or a sense of belonging, or a new connection. Once you begin noticing all the beautiful opportunities given you, more and more will open up. Start with stillness and appreciation. Life will support you.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Connection Is Its Own Reward
Most of the time, you are deeply in touch with your true self and with spirit. It's just that the waking consciousness is so full of busy-ness that you don't feel it. Spend more time sitting, breathing, and dreaming. Spend more time in solitude. Spend more time being quiet. Whenever you say to yourself, "I don't have time for that," what is actually true is "I am choosing not to make time for that." There is always an opportunity to sit and breathe. Make spiritual connection a priority. The connection will be its own reward.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Relax and Enjoy the Ride
However things turn out, if you did the best you could manage in the moment, and did it with an open mind and heart, then everything is perfect. Even if you didn't quite do your best, everything's fine, and you can appreciate what was good in the experience and learn from what didn't please you. Really, there is so much in life to appreciate and so little that is crucially important. It's completely okay just to relax and enjoy the ride. Wheeeeeeeeee!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
A Light Heart, A Curious Mind, A Welcoming Spirit
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, bring a light heart, a curious mind, and a welcoming spirit to the day. You can choose happiness over unhappiness, acceptance over resistance, humor over angst. Whatever is, is. Life is good.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Always Remember
We are all goddess consciousness. We are all god consciousness. This means you. You are goddess and god. You are creator and creation. You are one with all that is. Always, always remember. Always remember.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
There is inspiration everywhere you look. Breathe in the spirit any way you can. Listen, look, experience, enjoy, learn, question. Your connection to the spirit is sure and strong. It only takes opening up your awareness. Consciously open your crown chakra. Imagine light and energy pouring in through the top of your head. In that light is everything you need. Imagine it accumulating and circulating throughout your body, and pouring out from you so that the whole world sees it. It is your birthright and it is your self.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Trust the Moment
What's the worst that could happen? In most cases, nothing that bad. What's the best to be hoped for in a situation? The sky's the limit! Put yourself in the habit of trusting the moment, knowing you are protected and loved. That's a much happier way to live than always thinking about what could go wrong. Live and love and learn and grow. We are with you always.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Laugh, Learn, and Move On
Mistakes are informative and sometimes funny, like a good news program should be. Once you've learned anything the mistake wants to teach you, let it go. Forget about it. It's over. You can move on knowing you probably won't make that particular mistake again. Laugh, learn, and move on.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Life Is Right Now
Please don't wish your life away. Waiting for the weekend, thinking "next summer, I'll...," hating where you are and daydreaming of where you might be -- all are refusing your life and wishing it away. If you don't live your life right this minute, and this, and this, and this, then one day you will wake up and it will be gone. Life is right now. Live it consciously. Live it with joy and attention and appreciation. It is a blessing to be treasured.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Say Yes
Say yes to the universe. Say yes to experience. Say yes to love. Say yes to adventure. Say yes to quiet contemplation. Say yes to your neighbor. Say yes to your wisdom. Say yes to us. Say yes to life. Say yes.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Today is full of promise. Today is full of wonder. Today is full of possibility. Today is full of happiness. Today is full of bliss. Today is full of connection. You only need to open your eyes and your heart to what's good and true. Keep your focus on the positive always. Seeing what's good is its own reward, and also leads to more good. Love your life.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Trust Yourself, Trust Your Guidance
To achieve your goals, you must take a leap of faith, you must take a risk. Begin with trust in your ability and trust in the support of the universe. Begin with whatever actions seem likely to move you toward your goal. Focus on what you are doing each day that contributes to the realization of your dream. Commit with your whole heart to the immediate step. You will be guided for your highest good along the path to your future. Trust yourself, trust your guidance.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Be Yourself
Before you start doubting, relax the need to know. Before you start criticizing, relax the need to be right about anything. Before you start preaching, relax the need to convince anyone of anything. All these urges come from ego and from anxiety. Be yourself, and you will model your values. Be yourself and others will learn.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Actions really do speak louder than words. Pay attention more to what people do than to what they say. They might have good intentions, and they might tell you what you want to hear, but if their actions send another message, that is what is real. Don't judge them or make demands. Just make your decision on how much effort you put into the relationship based on what you are both doing right now. Figure out what you are willing to do yourself, do those things, and accept the other person as she is. If the relationship isn't satisfying to you from that place of acceptance, then it might be better just to let it go and move on.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Better to Accept
Better to accept that you are fine. Better to accept that everything happens for a reason. Better to accept that everything always works out for the best. Then there is nothing to be upset about. Go through your life trusting that you are loved and protected and all is well. That's how you create happiness and peace.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Just Be Happy
Be happy. Just be happy. Just let go of unhappiness and be happy. It really is that simple, if you allow it. Nothing bad will come of it. Let go of expectation and judgment. Life is good. All is well.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Life Is Miraculous
If you sit quietly observing a small child, you will see the intensity and the curiosity and the glee with which she approaches life. All is now. All is fascinating. All is new. You, of course, have the capacity to approach life in the very same way. Relax your judgment and expectation. Just watch, notice, feel, think, experience. Life is miraculous.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Make the Situation Better and Move On
Why judge yourself? Why blame yourself? Why blame or judge others? Just assess what's going on, notice when your behavior was not loving and make amends. Allow others to make their mistakes, and be honest with yourself about your own. Make the situation better however you can and then move on.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Why Not Listen?
When you are listening you are one with us. You are one with us when you are not listening, too. Never fear, we are with you always. Why not listen?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Open Up and Receive
When you ask us for guidance, we hear you and send our thoughts. When you are not asking, we are also sending, but in different ways. Watch for the signs. Watch for things falling into place. Pay attention to the sudden urge to do something out of the ordinary -- take a different route home from work, for example. We are always sending. Open up and receive.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Release and Start Again
At times, you are unhappy. At times, you wish for something new. At times, you feel judgment towards someone else. At times, you misbehave. All normal human experiences. Release, and start again.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Invest Your Whole Heart
Work is one of the things that sustains us. Work is crucial to your well-being. It needn't be paid employment. Some kind of work allows growth and learning. It develops self-confidence and self-esteem. When you know you are contributing something to the world, you are at ease. Find work that nourishes you and contributes to the light and love in the world. Invest your work with your whole heart. You will be amply rewarded.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Be a Part of the Light
As long as there are those of you moving forward, as long as there are more and more of you raising your consciousness and the consciousness of the species, as long as love continues to grow and peace continues to be a priority for so many, you need not fear any of the disasters your scientists can dream up. You are divinely protected as long as you are on your path as a species. So be a part of the movement, be a part of the growth, be a part of the light. All is well.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
We Love You
We know that you are trying. We see the effort and the desire. Sometimes stopping is better. Sometimes not doing is better. Sometimes it's better just to relax and accept everything just as it is. In fact, almost always that is the better way. From the place of acceptance, it's so much easier to see that next good step. From the place of acceptance, it is so much easier to love yourself and your life. From that place of acceptance and love, it is so much easier to act in a way that supports your growth and your connection with your higher self. We love you. All is well.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Take a Risk
Please tell people how you feel about them. Show them with your words and actions that you care. Take a risk. The rewards are infinite.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Teach the Young Ones
Teach those in your care to work by working, to learn by learning, to share by sharing, and to love by loving. You are a model for the young ones of how to be an adult. Be the person you want your children to be.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Trust What You Know
Trust the knowledge you have that comes from within and from your connection to spirit. Trust that you might not know how you know, but that when you are calmly, quietly knowing, that is your truth. Trust your own judgment and perspective. From your center, you will not be misguided. Trust what you know.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
When You Are Dreaming
When you are dreaming, you are free from the strictures of your three-dimensional waking life. Your spirit and other spirits can communicate with you in your dream life in ways that you are blocked to when awake. If you remember a dream, pay attention to it. What might the message be? Your sub-conscious is brilliant. Listen to it!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Take the First Step
Take the first step. You need not commit to more than that. The first step is easy enough. Once you've taken the first step, decide on the next one. If you are choosing from your heart, you will not go wrong. You are blessed with love and support all around you. You are never alone. We are with you always. It cannot be any other way. Take the step, and then decide what's next. Wherever it leads will be for your own growth and happiness.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Acceptance. Relaxation. Bliss.
We are smiling upon you and with you and inside of you. When you feel your heart and body and soul relax, we are easiest to hear. Listen underneath the stress of daily life. It really is perfectly fine to let go of any tension or worry you feel. You will find us there waiting for you. We are in no hurry and we accept your process as it is. You can, too. In acceptance there is relaxation, and in relaxation there is bliss.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Now Now Now Now Now Now!
Every moment you look up and say Yes, you are living in the now. Every moment you look around you and laugh at what you see, you are in your true life. Every moment you really look at the person you are talking to, you are connected. Now Now Now Now Now Now!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
You Are Precious and Alive
It sometimes seems to you as if you are not moving forward. Have faith, you are. Sometimes the growth is so subtle as to be undetectable in the earth plane, but it is powerful nonetheless. When you have glimpses of it, rejoice. When you can't get in touch with it, comfort yourself that we see it. You are precious and alive and learning every minute. Rejoice.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Life Is Magnificent and So Are You
When you are light-hearted and looking for wonders, the universe provides them non-stop. Open your eyes and your heart. Release negativity and unhappiness -- they have no hold on you. Walk with your head up and your mind open, with curiousity and expecting pleasure at every turn. Life is magnificent and so are you.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Love and Light of Your Reality
Let the miasma of negativity in the world pass right by you. Bless the hearts of those who feel compelled to go there. They think they are doing the right thing. Bless their hearts. You, however, know better. You know that by focusing on the true beauty and glory of the human species and the true beauty and glory of your magnificent mother earth, you are contributing to the growth and learning of your kind, and to the love and light of your reality.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes! Let this be your mantra for a while and see what comes to you. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
What a Relief!
What about setting aside a day just for listening. Listen deeply to what's around you. Spend some time with the music you love, mindfully, really focusing on the sounds. Sit as a friend or family member talks and listen with no judgment, no opinion, no need to put in your two cents. Walk down a street near your house and listen to the sounds of daily life. Go off by yourself into nature and listen to your mother earth. Be less SELF conscious and be more conscious, full stop. Aahhh, what a relief!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Have Faith in Yourself
Have faith in yourself and your vision. Have faith in your abilities. Trust yourself to be good and to do the right thing. Trust yourself to see the world you are creating in a positive and life-affirming way. Trust yourself to act as if the universe is at your service. Be magnanimous. Be cheerful. Be proactive. Be serene. Be happy. Life is good.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Step Back
Anxiety says to you, "You must do what I say in order to be safe." But that is a lie. Anger says to you, "You must do what I say in order to have power." That is also a lie. It's important to be informed by your emotions, but they must not be the only voice you hear. Listen to your feelings, add logic, add the input of people you trust. Step back, take it all in, and then decide what to do from the highest part of yourself.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dream from Your Heart of Hearts
Make your wishes from your heart of hearts. Allow your desires to spring from the loveliest part of yourself. Make sure your dreaming comes from your deepest, highest soul. Then, when your dreams are realized, they will enhance your life on earth, and move you along your path to enlightenment.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Take Steps Toward Your Vision
Decide what you want. Decide what you would have different. Decide the ideal. Then make some movement toward that ideal. Find one thing on the list that you can change or do or get today, and take that step. It's fine. You can have the life you want. Take steps toward your vision.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Your Beautiful Self
Be gentle with yourself. Be aware of your failings, and try to make up for them, but please be kind and forgiving and accepting of your beautiful self. All is well.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
We Are You
We talk about "us" and "you," in these messages, but you are we and we are you. Some of us are further along the path to enlightenment than you, but that does not make us better or different in any real way. The only difference is that at this present moment in earth time, you are choosing an experience of substance and form and we are not. Please do not think we are above you or judging you or expecting things from you. We are you. We love you as we love ourselves, and we stand by you in everything you find in your path.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Acceptance and Ease
We are all cheering for you over here. We are all in your corner. We know that you will go through whatever you have decided to go through. We want to remind you, though, that the lessons can be more easily learned. The truth can be more easily revealed. If you have chosen a path of trauma, it will serve your growth and learning, but it's okay to choose a path of acceptance and ease.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Stop and Rest
When your heart is at rest, you are carefree and relaxed. When your mind is at rest you are peaceful and calm. When your body is at rest you are healing. When your spirit is at rest you are home. All of this is possible every second. All of this is possible whatever is going on around you. All of this is possible if you simply allow it. Stop. Rest. Be.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Giving and Receiving
Give generously of your time and resources. The rewards will be great. Make sure you take good care of yourelf, too, and receive from others. There must be an exchange of energy, not a one-way street. If you do not allow yourself to receive, you will wind up lonely and resentful. Open your heart to giving and receiving, with grace and humility.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Love Your Heartbreak
Love your heartbreak. Love your unrequited love. When you are hurt in romantic love it means that you have allowed your heart to be engaged, and what is life without that? Allow your heart to be at risk. Love, love, love in all human ways. That is life.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Before taking a step, ask yourself if you are willing to surrender to the consequences of that action. You cannot count on a particular outcome, because that will set you up for disappointment or frustration. Act from the love in your heart and soul, act with your own and others' best interests at heart, act to the best of your knowledge and ability, and trust that good will come from it. You will not go wrong.
Friday, August 6, 2010
We Are Always Flowing With Your Flow
We are always flowing with your flow. We are always laughing when you laugh. We are always right there at your shoulder when you are doing good work. Of couse, we are also there when you are misbehaving or depressed. But when you are in the flow, your connection is palpable. Therefore, even when you are low, if you sit quietly and invite us in, we will make ourselves known to you and things will get better. Just try it.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Blessings Shower Upon You
See how the universe provides you with everything you need! See how things are laid out just as you wish! See how everything is prepared for you to have a wonderful day! Walking through life with this viewpoint is happiness. Blessings shower upon you. Receive and appreciate them and they will only increase.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
All Good Flows
You hold within your heart the key to your happiness. And it is simply this: be yourself, trust yourself, love yourself. All good flows from this basic heartspace.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Offer a Hug
Offer a hug. Physical touch is so important for you in the human realm. It is relaxing, bonding, loving, healing. If you are not a natural hugger, challenge yourself to try it. Notice a friend who is comfortable with hugging and start with that person. Offer hugs, and accept those offered to you. It's a simple act with great reward.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Love Your Past
Remember your past. Honor it. Learn from it. But absolutely do not live ther. You are alive now and can bring into your life pleasure and fun and love and fulfillment. Whatever you regret, let it go with a shrug. Whatever you miss, bring some version of it into your life now. Apprectiate all you have experienced as part of what brought you to the place where you are now. Love your past, but live in your present.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Good Work
Continue doing good work, even if you do not see tangible return, even if you do not feel appreciated by others. You know when you are doing good work. You know when you are acting with integrity. Let that be its own reward. Continue giving your heart and soul to your work. That is the path to fulfillment.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Expansion and Rejoicing
Whatever way you find to connect with spirit and express your true divinity, if you are really in touch with all that is, it will manifest in kindness and love. Please accept others' spiritual choices. Whatever path to oneness you follow, open yourself to the path fully. Let it be an inner journey, and not end with the outward trappings. Whatever your path to spirit, spirit is your shelter and solace, your expansion and rejoicing.
Friday, July 30, 2010
We Love and Cherish You
Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Stop telling yourself you can't do it or shouldn't have it or are damaged goods. Stop telling yourself you are bad or weak or undeserving. You are none of these things. Go into your heart and love and accept your true self. You are fine. You are loving, generous, relaxed, content, thoughtful, creative, strong, open, worthy, blessed, funny, beautiful, appreciated, helpful, friendly, trustworthy, loyal, human. We love and cherish you. You should do the same.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Relax Your Body Into the Knowing
It's remarkable what you humans find to talk about. It's good to get your language precise and communicate clearly with one another, but also it's good to accept that some things will never be clear. Trying to sort out words like "soul" and "spirit" or "god" and "universe" might be an honorable exercise. However, why not allow yourselves to agree that in the physical realm, these things are essentially ineffable. You can approach them from heartspace, you can relax your body into the knowing, but you cannot parse out an accurate and adequate definition. Just relish the moments when you feel it, and don't worry about nailing it down.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Breathe In Your Blessings
Where Kathie is right now, it is raining. Rain is the most wonderful thing in your physical world. Imagine! This precious, pure, miraculous substance is a gift to you. You don't even have to ask for it, it just falls from the sky. Feel the earth luxuriate in the cooling, nourishing, life-giving bounty of rain. You are able to accept this blessing from the universe and enjoy it. Other blessings are just as available, if less tangible. Accept those blessings, too. Your universe provides you with love, connection, forgiveness, acceptance, generosity, and the chance to contribute to the well-being of the planet and all her inhabitants. Breathe in these blessings as the soil around you soaks in the rain. Breathe in your blessings.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Walk Through the World
Many of you are looking for a true love. Many of you feel sad and lonely. Many of you are dissatisfied in your current relationships. You have become so disconnected from each other and from your true inner beauty that loneliness seems inevitable. However, once you begin to focus on the positives of your current life situation, and at the same time to create a picture of your ideal life and spend time with it, then the changes you yearn for will start to happen. Everyone is connected, and in the physical realm, everyone is also alone. Be happy with your current state of affairs. Walk through the world with your head up. Be curious about people. Be open to the random conversation, the accidental meeting. Be loving and accepting of yourself. Living this way is its own reward.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Life Is Great!
Boy howdy! Life is great! There's something to enjoy every second. Don't miss out by always thinking about what you don't have. Right here, right now, everything is available to you. Have fun! Really! Just relax and have some fun!
Friday, July 23, 2010
You Are Divinely Protected
You are divinely protected. You are divinely protected. You are divinely protected. You have access to our protecion at all times, but you might choose a scary experience for the purposes of your growth. If you think through what you might learn from a scary experience, and then just turn your atttention to beleiving the knew thought, then you are able to avoid the fright. You are well able to take care of yourself and to live and love and have a long and peaceful life. Always remember we are here looking after you and call on us in times of need. You are divinely protected.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Your Spirit Guide
Each of you has a guiding spirit who is always there for you. You will know this spirit immediately when you return home to us. You receive help and guidance from many energies, but your main guide is the one who is leading the way. When you become aware of her, she will be able to speak to you more and more clearly while you are on the earth, and your journey will become easier and more blessed. Make a quiet time every day or so to ask your primary guide to come to you. Ask for a name and an image. I am Kathie's guide Alianna, and appear to her as a female in white robes. That is merely the symbology that works for her. Your spirit may appear to you in any form at all. An animal, a person, male or female, a superhero even, or just a shimmering light. Whatever feels most inviting and comforting for you. We are always so happy when you open up to us while on the earth plane. Try it!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Give Your Heart to Your Work
when you give your heart to your work, you will do a good job and enjoy it. When you give your heart to your work, you will be amply rewarded. When you give your heart to your work, you will create a career that brings you fulfillment. Start wherever you are right now, no matter what you think about the job you have, to do it with all your heart, to the best of your ability and attention, and you will move through your work life with joy. Do it now, and the opportunities for change and advancement will open up to you. Do it with your whole heart.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Be Open to Alternatives
OR is a great word. Whenever you hear yourself in a negative thought, follow it with OR and an alternative. "I'm never going to find love... OR maybe it's just around the corner!" "My boss is so mad at me... OR maybe she's just having a bad day!" It's a really good start to letting go of your attachment to negative thinking. "I'm terrible at this... OR maybe I'll be good at it if I practice more!" "This spirit stuff is hogwash... OR maybe there's something to it after all!" Be open to the alternatives. They are always there.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Choose Light
Your path lies before you. You are in control. You have chosen at the karmic level your general direction, but every moment is an opportunity for decision. Every moment, you can choose light or confusion. Every moment, you can choose love or fear. There are infinite possibilities for how your life will play out from now on. Choose joy. Choose generosity. Choose pleasure. Choose forgiveness and acceptance. Choose connection. Choose light.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Universe Needs You
Most of the time, you are doing the best you can. When you recognize that you are not, please listen for what you need. It is in distress that you act out. When you find yourself behaving in a way that doesn't live up to your own principles, ask yourself what you are missing. Rest, eat well, get some support. Take good care of yourself so that the world receives the best you possible. We need you. The universe needs you.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
If You Are Happy, Smile
If you are hungry, eat. If you are sad, cry. If you are happy, smile. If you feel generous, give. If you are lonely, call someone. If you want to be alone, find the space. It's all okay. It's all part of the human experience. No judging, no guilt, no resentment. When you are in your heart space, you can do what you want without causing harm. That is not to say no one will ever disagree with your choice, or allow themselves hurt feelings based on their interpretation of your decision. That is their own responsibility, however. It is not for you to say what is best for someone else. Only for yourself. If you are centered, breathe and relax and love. If you are agitated, do the same. All is well.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
When we are with you, you glow with the love of the universe. When you are with us you glow. When you are in spirit with us, all is revealed to you, and all is known. The testing ground of earth requires that most of the time, you behave as if you do not have that knowledge. The truth is, though, that the love of the universe, the knowledge of all that is, is constantly within your grasp. Love, love love. Open, open, open. Relax, relax, relax. Smile, and we are smiling with you. Smile, and your aura brightens. Smile, and your face lights up. Smile, and you are a beacon to others. Smile.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Start With the Words
Start with the words. "I am joyful." If you can't say positive words like that and feel better, back up a bit. "I am open to the possibility of being joyful." Still too hard? "I am willing to acknowledge the possibility of being open to the possibility of experiencing joy." Take it as far as you need to in order to say it with confidence. When the minimal statement feels absolutely true, step it up a notch. Soon you will be able to say "I am joyful" when you are not, and it will open up your heart to joy in that moment. Just try it for a while. Trust the process. If you don't trust the process, be open to the possibility that there might be something good to come of the process! Language is powerful. Use it for growth, empowerment, and happiness.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Lovely Spirit, A Caring Heart
Dear one, you are blessed with many talents. You are blessed with many gifts. You are blessed with a lovely spirit and a caring heart. That's all you need to know. You are not doomed by whatever has come before. Simply love.
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's Always Possible
It's always possible to breathe and let everything go It's always possible to find five minutes for yourself. It's always possible to take that step you've been afraid of up to now. Decide and go. It's always possible.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Reach Out
Find someone who listens to you without judgment or unsolicited advice. Find someone who knows about your work and can help you think about it. Find someone who enjoys the things you enjoy. Find someone who is willing to help you out. Find someone you can speak your worst fears to. Find someone you can relax and let everything go with. And don't think that all these are necessarily found in one person. Make a community of support and fun and comfort and love. Reach out.
Friday, July 9, 2010
All Work is Honorable
It is important to work. It is your way of expressing your true self. So find work that nourishes you and fulfills you. Work that might make you physically tired at the end of the day, but that does not make you emotionally weary. Start with finding what you like about your current job, and focus on that. Keep your eyes open for opportunity, take risks, and you will create a rewarding work life. Don't work for money. Work for love and to contribute to the betterment of the world. All work, when performed with integrity and good will, and with your whole heart, is honorable.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Just Believe!
Believe it or not, you are fine. Believe it or not, all is well. Believe it or not, your heart is full. So why not just believe it? Wouldn't that be more fun? More relaxing? More joyful? Just believe!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Please allow yourself to open up to your unconscious motivations. There are so many thoughts going on just below the surface that are affecting your behavior. When you open up to these painful thoughts, you can release them and move forward with greater clarity and inner peace. Allow all the wounded parts of you to speak, and listen to them with love and acceptance.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Right Now You Are Choosing
It's true that you create your own life. With every breath you are choosing where to be, what to think, how to feel, what to say and do. So, for your own sake and the sake of the world around you, be conscious of the choosing. "Right now, I am choosing to go buy groceries. Right now, I am choosing to read a book instead of doing my work. Right now I am choosing to be really angry at my girlfriend. Right now, I am choosing to get drunk enough to pass out." Maybe when you consciously acknowledge what you are choosing, the alternatives will start to become clearer. Then the choices you make that are for your highest good will come with less self-doubt, and the choices you are making that are holding you back from happiness will be more easily released. Try it!
Monday, July 5, 2010
We Are With You
We want to talk to you about our relationship with souls having a human experience. We do not make things happen for you. We do not predetermine anything. You decide, when you are with us, what you want to accomplish in this particular leg of your journey, and then you arrange with your soul group how best to make it happen. You have a general idea of what your life will be like, but you are constantly renogotiating on the soul level. Usually, because the human experience is so laden with limitations, the journey is perceived as difficult for you. However, it need not be. You can move quickly up the scale of experience to enlightenment. The more you release release release your self-centeredness and fear, the more you release release release your reliance on outside factors for your happiness, the more quickly you will ascend to bliss. You are constantly given opportunities simply to learn the lessons of love, compassion, appreciation, and mindfulness. Simply accept. Simply love. Simply be. Then your path will be joyous and full of good will.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Freedom Is Yours
Freedom is yours. You choose every moment how to think and behave. As a social being, it is in your best interest to consider the best interest of the group, and so you have devised laws and social customs. Always remember, though, it is you who are choosing to "play by the rules." You are free. When you accept responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions, you can release any sense of being controlled or manipulated by others. You decide for yourself. When you fully accept responsibility, you are most free.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Allow your passions. Show the world who you really are. Don't judge or minimize your gifts. Love! Love! Love! Love! Love!!! Feel the fire inside and express it fully. Show the dark with the light. Allow yourself to learn in public. You'll get better. It's all part of the human experience. Do it! Do it! Do it!!! Enjoy! Give! Receive! Live! Live! Live!!!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Such Power! Such Light! Such Beauty!
There is such power in you! There is such an ability to heal -- to heal yourself and others. There is such a warmth, such a light shining deep witin you. Please don't hide it! Please don't be embarrassed or self-conscious about it! Please show the world your beautiful self!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Detached Affection and Loving Acceptance
Allow yourself detached affection and loving acceptance for all your fellow creatures, no matter how they are behaving. Be a model not a critic. Be an example of honesty, integrity, acceptance, compassion and joy. Your happiness is right now. Your power is right now. Your good will is within you and not dependent on the world behaving well. When you see bad behavior, bless those wounded creatures and behave well yourself. That is the path to the world you envision.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Open Your Heart and Mind to Your Own Blessedness
When will you realize that your are all in this world you need to be happy? When will you give up waiting? When will you take back your power? All that's needed is allowing. You don't have to look for it out there, because it is within you. You are your own divinity. You are your own precious gem. You are your own deity because you are connected to all that is. You are just as worthy of your love as anyone else. You are just as worthy of fame and fortune as anyone else. Just relax and allow the riches of the universe to unfold in you. Just relax, and the universe will rise up in support. Open your heart and mind to us. Open your heart and mind to your own blessedness. Relax.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Choose Yourself
Remember that you are precious, too. Remember that your life is just as important and meaningful as anyone else's. Remember that your first responsibility is to yourself. If you stifle your own happiness, you limit your ability to be a force for love in the world. Consider others, of course. Be kind, of course. But do not choose someone else's happiness over your own. Their happiness is their own responsibility. Choose life.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Adventure Unfolds
Unhappiness is merely resistance to what is. See the world you have created with acceptance and no judgment. From this calm and loving place, decide your next step. Move from "I don't want this." to "Here is where I am. What is a positive move for me right now?" Find what brings you satisfaction, joy, fulfillment, pleasure, loving connection, a sense of being your true self. Love where you are, love where you've been, and love where you are going. Then watch as the adventure unfolds.
Friday, June 25, 2010
You Are a Blessing
You are a blessing to this planet and to your friends and family. You are an integral part of the evolution of the human species. You are learning and teaching with every step. Be aware. Be conscious.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Get a picture in your mind of yourself at your most centered, loving, calm and peaceful. Use this image in times of stress. However you are feeling, ask yourself, "If I were feeling that way, how would I act in this situation?" Then act that way. Pretend you are in a play, and your role is of the kind, loving, nurturing, protective paragon of virtue. You'll be surprised how easy it is to become that version of you.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Make Kindness Your Intention
Make kindness your intention today. Simple kindness can change the world. Show the people you encounter today your loving heart. They will take from the experience whatever they are able to in the moment. You can't know what's going on for them, but your kindness has a great chance of making their day a little bit better than it was before. Think and act kindly.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Human Condition
Because you are human, you have many feelings -- feelings that you like and ones that you don't like. Because you are human, the outside world offers you experiences that are pleasant and experiences that you deem unpleasant. Because you are human, you will have thoughts that buoy you and thoughts that bring you down. Please don't judge your thoughts and feelings. Just allow them to pass on through. You might have an anxious thought about the future. You might criticize yourself about something. You might feel sad. Just notice it and release it. Don't live there. Find what's positive in the moment. That is always our message and always the true path to happiness.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Simply Release Unhappiness
Please allow yourself to release unhappiness and resistance to what is. It's so simple, and so liberating. What is is. That is the long and the short of it. Relax and enjoy the simple pleasures. You can find joy there, every moment, every day. Simply release everything but right now.
Friday, June 18, 2010
A Smile on Someone Else's Face
Don't sell yourself short. You have gifts and abilities and, most important, a good heart to share. So what if you don't do eveything well. So what if you're not in the limelight. Go on doing your best day to day. Be a smile on someone else's face. Give someone else a reason to feel a little better. Be a beacon of love in the world.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Honor Your Losses
Honor your losses. Mourn them. Bless them as part of the gloriuos human unfolding. And then move on. Look around you. There is so much pleasure to be had, so much good to be done, so many warm connections to make. Don't dwell in the past. Your life is now.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just Laugh
Isn't it just funny? Can't you just laugh at yourselves? Can't you let your egos take a rest and put your worries out of your minds and just laugh at the adorable ridiculousness of so much human drama? Why not just laugh?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Right Now, Everything Is Fine
When you allow your doubt and anxety to speak louder than your confidence and well-being, you perpetuate what you don't want in your life. Pull your attention away from the anxious thoughts. Simply state firmly, "Right now, everything is fine." Then you can move on to what are the possible positive uses of that particular moment created by you on your particular path to enlightenment. Pick something positive and give your heart to it. It might be a grand gesture, but it might be just the simplest act of kindness or relaxation or appreciation. Be well.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Peace Is Within You
Maintain your own peace. Be an example and a conduit of peace for others. Peace is within you and needs nothing from the world around you. Find it in silence, in singing, in laughing, and in conversation. Find it in the garden, the forest, the mountains, and the shore. Find it at the workbench, at the easel, and at the kitchen sink. Peace is within you.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Stop Keeping Score
Remember to honor your own weaknesses. Remember to honor your own failures. Remember to honor your experience as it is. Your life is your life. Your choices are your own. You might not be proud of everything you do, but you must not judge yourself too harshly. Recognize, apologize, make amends when possible, and move on. Honor all your experiences as part of the whole of human life. Human nature is a work in progress. No matter your failings, you can always relax, love yourself, and choose goodness and light each and every moment. Life is not a game to be won or lost, but a vast fund of opportunity for learning and growth. Stop keeping score. Live.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Signs Are Everywhere
The signs are everywhere. Just pay attention and honor them when they come. The slightest thing can be a message from us reminding you that we are always with you. Blessings, dear ones.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Ask for Help
Allow your friends to help you. Ask for favors. As long as you are available to others, there will always be someone eager to help out. And even if you haven't been especially helpful to others, it's worth asking. You might find a way to deepen a friendship and open yourself up to more support -- both giving and receiving. You humans are a social species. The need for community runs very deep. Ask for help.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Start Again
Start again. Bounce back. When you set an intention, it's not uncommon to lose your way, or fall back into old behaviors. Don't judge, just start again. Restate your goal, get clear on the steps. If you can identify what got in the way, figure out how to handle that problem if it pops up again. But always love yourself, notice what you have done well. Bounce back. Start again.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
We Are Here for You
We are sending you our love and care. We are supporting you on this day and every day. We are here for you when you have any questions. You are that for others, we are that for you.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Live and Let Live
Live and let live. That's a good one. Release any responsibility you feel for someone else's choices or feelings or happiness. If you live up to your own responsibility to take care of yourself, and your own responsibility to be kind and loving in the world, your relationships will be joyous and nurturing. The pressure you feel in any situation is self-imposed. Whatever anyone else expects of you is their affair. You are only responsible for your own work, your own actions, your own thoughts and feelings, your own happiness. Allow everyone else their own paths and their own dignity.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Life Is a Work in Progress
The details are important, but not crucial, not set in stone. Pay attention. Give whatever you are doing the respect and attention it deserves, but don't worry if things don't go exactly according to plan. Be flexible. Be happy. Laugh at your mistakes. Life is growth. Life is a work in progress.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Joy, Respect, Love
You are blessed, dear ones, with an ever-expanding consciousness. You are blessed with a lively imagination. You are blessed, you humans, with endless possibility, and yet so many of you live in fear and anxiety. So many of you live in depression and doubt. When you learn to raise your children with joy and encouragement, with respect for the miracles that they are, with truly unconditional and undemanding love, and with clear and sober guidance, then you will grow generations of limitless achievement, good works, and enlightenment. You are blessed.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Be a Good Teacher
We are all teachers, and so are all of you. You might not be aware of what you are teaching or whom. It's good to wake up and be conscious. With every move you make, every word you say, every emotion you express or suppress, you are teaching your children and other people who admire you. You are teaching the people around you how to treat you. You are teaching yourself how to view the experiences you are having. Be conscious of what you are teaching. Make it a loving and peaceful lesson. Make it a lesson of good will and generosity, of acceptance and nourishment. Make it a lesson of powerful manifestation of your highest good and the highest good of all concerned. Be a good teacher, a teacher of good.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Keep It Light
Your sense of humor is your greatest ally. Laugh, laugh, laugh. Laugh primarily at your own foibles. But laugh with affection and acceptance. Sarcasm, teasing -- by their very nature are hostile. Watch your language. Keep it positive. Keep it light. Keep it loving. Words can hurt. Please use them to heal instead.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Time Is What You Make of It
Time is what you make of it. It moves slowly or quickly; it is joyous or depressing, productive or idle, all depending on you. Time is a possibility waiting to be fulfilled by you. You alone can make of your time what you desire. You alone create your life. Create consciously.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Make Your Life a Peaceful Endeavor
Love your enemy as yourself. Love the troops doing battle on both sides. Love the wounded souls making the decisions. Love yourself and be confident that you have everything you need and are the person you should be. Then you need not hate or fear anyone else. You humans cling to your wars when really they are so unnecessary. It all begins with love. Make your life from morning until night a loving, peaceful endeavor. This is how you do your part to create universal peace. Make peace with yourself, make peace with your neighbor. Make peace with all humankind.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A Great Awakening
You are going to know us better in the coming years and decades. More and more of you are opening up to us in tangible ways. You are feeling our influence and our presence. You are listening to our guidance. You are sharing your experiences with others. You are letting go of the fear of ridicule and worse, and speaking up for what you believe in. This is a time of great awakening on your lovely planet. Be a part of it. It's the simplest of actions. Just listen and be open. Just listen.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Why Not Enjoy It?
Rejoice in change and growth. Rejoice in presence and acceptance. Revel in pleasure and fun. Freely allow movement and new learning. It's happening anyway, so why not enjoy it?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Be Conscious of the Lesson Plan
You can stand up for yourself. State your desires simply and calmly. You have no control over the other person's response. If the response is more often than not displeasing to you, it might be time to end the relationship. But you won't get what you want unless you ask for it. You teach people how to treat you. Be conscious of the lesson plan.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Trust and Be Optimistic
Hope is not your friend. It only keeps you from living your life now. Optimism is another matter. And trust. If you face the world with trust and optimism, then all is beautiful and fine. Trust and be optimistic -- forget about hope and regret.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Break Down the Barriers
When you teach others what you have learned, you are solidifying your own learning. When you share your struggles with others, you are helping them to cope with their own struggles. Sharing the path brings healing. Isolation and loneliness are often deceptive. You might be surrounded by people, but if you have not opened your heart to them, you are alone. Break down the barriers you have constructed between your true self and the people around you. Break down the barriers.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Let It Go
Regret is only useful insofar as you use it to bring something into your life that you are missing. When you look back with regret, forgive yourself, ask how you can bring some version of that experience with you into your life today, and then let it go. Don't spend too much time in the past. Live.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Merest Fraction
Somehow you have forgotten who you are. Somehow you have lost touch with your divinity. Take a leap. Trust it. You are part of the so-called intelligent design. Your consciousness is one with all consciousness. Relax and enjoy this life you are living. It is but the merest fraction of what you are.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
It's Miraculous - All Of It
Open your eyes. Open your heart. Open your consciousness to the wonders that surround you, and to the wonders within you. It's miraculous, all of it. Everyone every minute should be in awe. Allow yourself to look closely at anything, natural or humanmade, and you will be struck by the beauty, ingenuity, and perfection of all that is. Prayer is in the moment of opening. Expansion is in the moment of opening. Love is in the moment of opening. All it takes is a glance, a willingness, a letting go of fear and judgment. Open your eyes. Open your heart. Open your consciousness.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Energy of Bliss
You are a conduit of the energy of love and healing. You are a conduit for the energy of grace. You are a conduit for the energy of all that is. Be open to receiving, accumulating and sharing the energy of bliss.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Peaceful Acceptance
Your friends and family almost always mean well. Forgive them. See the scared and wounded child underneath their misbehavior. Have compassion. Don't join them in the acting out. Don't escalate with them. Keep to your own peaceful acceptance and listen. All is well.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Every Step Is Blessed
Seeing what is going on in your life does not cause pain. Resistance causes pain. When you see what is going on in your life and respond with "But....," you feel pain. When you focus on the difference between what is happening and what you want to have happening, you feel pain. Notice, accept, brainstorm the possibilities, then decide your next step. Every step is fine, every step is supported, every step is blessed.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Take a Chance
Believe in yourself and you will be happy. You will accomplish much and be able to handle failure with equanimity. Believe in yourself and your journey. Believe in the path you have chosen, as well as the choices you make day by day. Take care to appreciate where you are and how far you've come. Take care to appreciate the infinite number of choices for the future. Take a chance! It'll work out fine, or it won't and you will learn from it anyway. Believe in yourself.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Start By Trusting
Start by trusting. If someone proves untrustworthy, let him go, but start by trusting. When you are open to the good in people, most of the time that's what you will get. When someone hurts you or takes advantage of you too often, recognize that they are acting out of pain and fear, have compassion, and limit your vulnerability to them however you need to. But start by trusting.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Bask in the Glow of Heaven
Blessings. We send you many blessings and best wishes. We shine the light of heaven upon you. Bask in the glow of heaven.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Whatever it is you believe you "have to" do, or "can't" do is just an option. Remind yourself it's a choice with the way you talk about it. Don't say "I have to do the laundry." Say "I've decided to do the laundry today." Don't say "I can't quit my job." Say "I've decided to go to this job at least one more day." You are choosing every moment. And if you start by choosing how you talk to yourself about what you are choosing, everything will get easier, including making changes and choosing something different. Be more conscious of the thought and the language you use to convey it.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Your Avenue to Bliss
You feel it right in your heart. You feel it in your core. You feel it in every moment. It is the connection you have to us. It is the connection you have to all that is. It is always with you and cannot be denied, only ignored. Please, please, please always remember it. It is your divine guidance and protection. It is your avenue to bliss. It is your divine manifestation of love. Tune in.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Calm and Connected
Close your eyes. Breathe deeply a few times. Now get a picture in your mind of yourself at your most calm and connected. You're standing up straight. Your shoulders are relaxed. Your face has a lovely expression of peaceful acceptance and quiet happiness. You're confident and optimistic. Hold this picture in your mind's eye as long as you can. Imprint it there. Then whenever you are feeling stress, bring in that picture. Allow that calm and confident you to take charge of the situation. All is well.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wake Up
You have chosen this physical experience. You have chosen each step of the way on your journey. Sometimes you have chosen unconsciously. Make the next choice a conscious one. Wake up.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Be Pleased With Yourself!
Please, please, please pay attention to your own wonderful qualities. Please allow yourself to be happy about the good things you bring to your world. Please pat yourself on the back from time to time. It's perfectly okay to be pleased with yourself!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Your Beautiful Planet Earth
Your beautiful planet earth is such a blessing to you. Your beautiful planet earth is your home and your mother. She is part of you -- never forget that. You are made of the same stuff as she. Love her and she will continue to cradle you.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Take Action
Through your actions, you create your life, your world. Through your actions, you create your friends, your family. Through your actions, you create your contribution. Action begins in thought informed by emotion. Be conscious of all the levels and layers. Be conscious of all that is going on in your internal world, and then take the highest, most positive, most life-affirming actions to create a world you all can share and delight in.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Open Up
Open up your crown chakra to allow in the messages of your guides. Open up your third eye to correctly interpret the messages you hear, and to see your path clearly. Open up your throat chakra to claim your voice and to communicate your truth to the world. Open up your heart chakra to spread love and healing in the world. Open up your solar plexus chakra to step out into the world as your true and effective self. Open up your sacral chakra to receive love and create love, and to enhance your sexual energy. Open up your root chakra to ground yourself in the here and now, to enjoy your physical body and to be safe and healthy. Everything is available to you. Everything.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Love With No Attachment
Check your motivation for any action. Make sure you are acting from love and toward connection or forgiveness or release. When acting from anxiety, or when your motive is revenge or attention-seeking, you will undoubtedly be disappointed with the outcome. When you are acting from love with no attachment to what the outcome might be, then you will be rewarded with peace of mind.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Use Your Body Consciousness
Find the spot in your body where you are holding tension. Breathe into that spot with love and acceptance and curiosity. What thoughts come up? What emotions? Send love and healing into all the aches and pains. Breathe in relaxation and healing and breathe out tension and stress. Breathe out old hurts and disappointments. Breathe out anxiety and depression. If tears come, all the better. Then you can cry it out. Use your body consciousness to heal yourself. Your body is your beloved friend and partner. Pay attention to it. Love it.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
What Is the Message?
Find the old sage within you. Picture yourself really old, 100 years old, at a celebration, surrounded by all the generations of your family and friends. Picture them in rapt attention, listening to you reminisce. Share your wisdom. Imagine yourself at the age you are now in the group of listeners. Imagine that old wise you turns to the you of today with a special message. Close your eyes, open your heart and mind, what is the message?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Path to Abundance
Open up to the wonders that await you. Declare yourself to be ready and willing to receive all the gifts the universe has to bestow on you. Appreciate evrything that comes your way and find the good around you every moment. This is the path to abundance.
Monday, May 3, 2010
What Resonates
It's good to get feedback from your friends. It's good to consult a professional. It's good to read the experts. However, the truth is within you. Look in these resources for what resonates in your heart. There is your answer.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Take the Leap
Take the leap. Make the big first step. The rest will fall into place. Launch your project or your new adventure or yourself. Why not? If the only voice saying no is the voice of anxiety, go ahead and give it a shot. It'll be fun!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Lap It Up
Relish the divine in the mundane. Relish the spirit in the body. Love love love. Sing sing sing. Notice every blessing as it is presented to you. You are filled and surrounded with grace. You are filled and surrounded with sensual pleasure. Lap it up.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Live As the Embodiment of Love That You Are
The enmity you feel for someone else or for something that's going on in the world is only clogging up your natural flow of beauty and health. Release all judgment and ill-feeling. It is not protecting you or improving your life one bit. Release it and send up a prayer for the other person's journey to well-being and peace. Misbehavior comes from pain. Your misbehavior does not make up for another's misbehavior, and only adds to your own pain. What is the old saying? Two wrongs don't make a right. Live as the embodiment of love that you are.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Below the Surface
Below the surface of things is where you find your true self. Below the physical and the thinking thinking thinking you will find peace and love. Allow yourself to settle into it. Ease into it. Relax into it. It's always available to you. Just allow it.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Doing Your Part
Most of the time you are right. Most of the time you are good. Most of the time you are doing the best you can. Most of the time you have good intentions. The same can be said for all of you, so give yourself a break and give each other a break. If someone continues to transgress simply put distance between you. No need to confront an issue unless you want the relationship to deepen. Forgive; it's in the past. Move forward doing your part towards a better life.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Decide Each Moment
You are right where you need to be. Everything is just fine. You are the person you were meant to be. You are on your path to bliss. Relax. Everything is acceptable. From the place of acceptance, decide each moment how you want to live. Decide each moment what to pay attention to. Decide each moment who is in your thoughts. Decide each moment to relax your body, mind, and heart. Decide each moment.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Your Heart Is the Storehouse
Here is the secret. You already know what to do. You already have the wisdom and knowledge you need. Your heart is the storehouse of the love you are seeking. It is so simple. Relax. Surrender. Release resistance to the truth of this message. Stop waiting for it from somewhere outside of you. Be the act of love in the world. Be the wisdom of the universe.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Every Moment
Every moment is an opportunity to change your thoughts to something positive, amusing, life-affirming, cheerful, hopeful, optimistic, joyful, divine. Accept all your thoughts and feelings with love and release any negativity by focusing on something else. There is absolutely no need to dwell on something unpleasant. Allow the feeling or thought, notice it, bless it and send it on its way.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Use Your Gifts
Show your true gifts in the world. Use the talents you have to enhance the lives of others and your own life. You have knowledge and abilities to share. Share them. When you come to the end of your life, you will look back with quiet joy if you have lived in accordance with your own true nature.
Friday, April 23, 2010
That One Thing
Shhhhh. All the sounds vying for your attention can just fade away. Close your eyes. All the things around you evaporate. Quiet your mind. All the thoughts that run through your mind constantly are just so much white noise. Find that one thing to focus on -- a bird singing, for example, or the beat of your heart. That one thing becomes the whole universe. This is bliss.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Quiet. Stillness. Peace.
It's okay to relax and do nothing some of the time. It's okay to spend some time staring out of the window, or sitting on a park bench. It's okay to turn everything off -- phones, tvs, computers, even lights and air conditioners. Experience the quiet, the stillness. Relieve yourself of the rush and the to-do lists. Just be. Nothing bad will happen, and you just might learn something about yourself. You just might connect up with your inner wisdom and truth. You just might touch the divine in a real way. Quiet. Stillness. Peace.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Get Some Sleep!
Get some sleep! Really! It's up to you to take good physical care of yourself, for who else will, if you don't?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Rest Assured
Rest assured, you are the one we are talking to. If you are reading this, it is because you are listening to your guides and counselors. If you are reading this, you are one of the lovely humans who are making the paradigm shift in the earth to a higher consciousness -- a consciousness of all that is, of the more that you can be and feel. Keep reminding yourself of this fact. You are part of the vanguard to a new way of being. You are the vanguard.
Monday, April 19, 2010
It's So Simple
Become a cataloger of all that is good in your day. "Wow, that person was so nice!" "Yummy, this sandwich is delicious!" "I have such fond memories of that vacation." "Ha ha ha! That show is so funny!" "Mmmmmm. This shirt feels so good on my skin." "I'm so glad I decided to change jobs." If more of your time is spent with these thoughts, you will find yourself annoyed, angry or unhappy much much less frequently and less intensely. It's so simple.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Act As If
Believe in your dreams. Believe in your vision. Believe in your own true nature. Act as if everything you want in life is yours.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Live With Intention
Live with intention. Each day, set your intention to do, be, or attain whatever is in your heart. Set your intention consciously and firmly. Notice all the ways the universe aligns itself to your desire. Maintain a positive outlook and, as long as it is for your highest good, all you want will come to you, easily and naturally.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Even Joy
A lot of you have wondered why you are on the earth. You judge your life to be so miserable and unsatisfying that there seems to be no point. Please be assured that there is every reason for you to stick it out, and that the very experience of being unhappy is a valuable lesson. You can fully experience joy in response to the lack of it. You can fully embrace compassion when you have experienced a need for compassion. But, most important, only from unfortunate situations can you fully understand that your happiness is absolutely in your control -- that no matter what is going on around you, you can find acceptance, peace, contentment, and yes, even joy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
We Come Together
Please remember this: you do not have the answer for your partner and your partner does not have the answer for you. We come together for many reasons. In many cases, it is to repair the damage done by our parents, however loving and well-meaning they may have been. Please join your partner in a dance of mutual support, encouragement, and growth. Accept each other exactly as you are. Hand in hand, take each day as it comes. Take every disagreement as an opportunity to work as a team toward solution and compromise. Ask for what you want and ask how you can help your mate. Get to know each other deeply and intimately. There lies happiness.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
It Is a Wondeful Time to be Alive and Awake
More and more of you are opening up to us and accepting that there is so much more to you than your physical existence on earth. More and more of you are leading conscious lives. More and more of you are listening to the wisdom in your hearts and in your mother earth and in your spiritual guidance. It is a wonderful time to be alive and awake. Drink it in.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Pay Attention to Your Dreams
Please pay attention to your dreams. That is an easy way for us to communicate with you. We know they can seem irrational and obscure, but if you spend some time with the images, you will undersand the message. Freud had the concept right, just not the details. Use your own associations with the imagery and an open mind. You will hear the true meaning.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Your Wisdom is Infinite and Everlasting
When you stop and listen, your guidance is clear. When you go with the gut feeling, you will be rewarded. When you love yourself, you are a conduit for the love of the universe. You cannot go wrong from the place of love. When things don't work out how you planned, that can be the biggest blessing. Watch for these detours and see where they lead you. Lovingly ask, lovingly listen, and lovingly act on what you receive. You are blessed. You are guided. You are protected and loved. Your wisdom is infinite and everlasting. Trust it.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Love Is the Answer
Today we just want to send our great love to you beautiful creatures of earth. Please accept it and spread it around. Love is the answer.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
It Becomes True
Pretend all is exactly the way you think you want it to be. Pretend you are exactly the person you aspire to be. Pretend that all is love and beauty in your life. Really, really feel how that feels. How are you standing or sitting? What's the expression on your face? How are you breathing? Where are your hands? When you allow yourself to experience it in your mind, your body believes it is true. And when you put your body in the position of believing, you behave as if it's true. And then? It becomes true. All is well.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Remember Your True Nature
Remember your true nature. Remember your true heart. Remember your true spirit. When you are living in your true nature there is no place for anxiety or doubt. All is love. All is love. All is love.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Remain True to Yourself
Tune into the difference between helping and enabling. When a person's ego wants something from you, look underneath for the real need. Simply doing what the person asks might just reinforce his insecurity and lack of self-love. Driving the car for an alcoholic might keep him safe in the moment, but only enables his alcoholism. It's the same in other areas. Making yourself look a certain way for your partner only enables his dependence on appearance for his self-worth. Find the core need underneath the surface request, and validate that he is worthy regardless of appearance. Remain true to yourself and be a positive presence in another's life.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Smile at the World Around You
Relax and hold the vision. Relax and emanate peace. Relax and smile at the world around you. Relax and watch as your dreams come gloriously true. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Relax.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Voila! Happiness!
Don't say "this this this and this are fine, but THIS!" and then be ruled by the exception. Say instead, "THIS bothers me. Let's see, can I change it in some way? If not, it's okay because of this this this and this." Voila! Happiness!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Your Own Sweet Truth
Look to your own heart. Cradle it with love and acceptance and encouragement. Smile your own smile. Others have the responsibility of their own feelings, just as you have yours. When you try to shape your thoughts and feelings to please or impress another, you wind up in a false position in relation to your own sweet truth. Please yourself.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Blessings upon you, beautiful children of the universe. Blessings upon your triumphs and your struggles. Blessings upon your acts of kindness and bravery, and also upon your lapses. Blessings. Blessings. Blessings.
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Briefest Pause
Before acting on an impulse, take a breath. Before speaking in anger, take a breath. Before making a purchase, take a breath. The briefest pause can lead to a better decision.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Reach out to others. Open your heart. Act in community. Relax your self-consciousness and allow people in. Loneliness is part of the human experience, and so is togetherness. Accept without fear or judgment the former, encourage with love and generosity the latter. All is well.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Simply Let Go and Be
A romantic relationship is a wonderful thing. Enjoy it, give your best self to it. Envision it when you are alone. But being in a relationship does not make you okay. It is not what makes you worthy or lovable or happy. You can also enjoy and give your best self to being single. You are worthy and loved and can be happy. Simply let go of judgment, of wishing for something that isn't there, of self-doubt and criticism, of anger. Simply let go and be.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Right Place Right Time
Live your dreams. Live your ideal life. If only in your mind and on paper, for the present, hold the vision firmly and clearly. That is the first step. The vision might change over time, but every step toward that ideal is progress along your path. Express your true self all along the way, and you will always be in the right place and the right time.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Be a Loving Presence
When you are feeling angry and blaming, just breathe. Resist the impulse to violence, either through deeds or words, even in your mind. It is very easy to believe that your uncomfortable feelings are someone else's fault, but they are not. The other person is behaving in certain ways and you cannot truly know the reason why. Whatever that person is doing, you can remain calm and loving. Bless that person on his or her path and turn your attention back to your own thoughts and actions. Be a loving presence to yourself and to those around you. All is well.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Your Small Act Touches Millions
It looks like the year you are in now, humans, is a prime opportunity for movement. Use your own personal connection to spirit, however it comes. It can be in a formal religious organization, in meditation, in nature, in paganism, in energy work, in the arts. Whatever allows you to step outside of time and into spirit is your doorway to higher consciousness, deeper relaxation, and primal acceptance and love. The more you bring this spirit into your days, the more you will act from this heartsource. The more you act from heartsource, the more positively you will affect those around you. That positive effect will ripple out until your small act has touched millions in a beautiful and loving way. Allow love and compassion to be your natural state of being.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Universe Will Open Up Inside You
If you can only let go of the attachment you have to what your five earthly senses perceive, then you will transcend the physical and become aware of your true nature. Slow down, sit quietly, put away your books and televisions and computers. Sit under a tree or on a beach or in the desert and breathe breathe breathe. Your true nature will gradually make itself known to you. Allow the thoughts and feelings and sensations to come and go, noticed, but not judged and not held onto. One day, the universe will open up inside you.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Growing Sense of Oneness
There is a wonderful opportunity now for peace and understanding. You can play your part, however small, in this unfolding awakening. Be as open as you can be to your own heart and your connection to all others. Be as open as you can be to acceptance and enjoyment. Be as open as you can be to love and tenderness and compassion. Every small act of kindness and acceptance, every conflict resolved with understanding, every new connection made with someone else contributes to the growing sense of oneness in the world. Play your part.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Quiet Knowing
Believing in yourself is the key. Believing in your own true goodness and intelligence. Believing in your own true intuition and connection to guidance. Don't listen when your analytical brain starts second-guessing. Remind yourself, "that's just a thought, that's just anxiety," and go with your quiet knowing.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Peace Is Your Birthright
We want to welcome you back, dear Kathie, and here's what we want to say to your dear friends. Peace is within your hearts and within your grasp. Peace is your natural state of being. Peace is your birthright. Meet all conflict with peace, meet all dissent with peace, meet all hatred with peace. That is the path to a new world.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Taking a Break
Dear Friends, I will be on vacation through March 23rd. I will resume posting on the 24th. Bless you all. Peace, Kathie
Sunday, March 14, 2010
All Is Life
Appreciate the days when things go wrong. Those are the days when you can really be in touch with the knowledge that all is well. Appreciate the people who don't like you. Then you can truly understand self-love. Appreciate the times you lose something. Those are prime opportunities to experience letting go. No matter what, all is growth, all is learning, all is life.
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