Thursday, July 22, 2010

Your Spirit Guide

Each of you has a guiding spirit who is always there for you. You will know this spirit immediately when you return home to us. You receive help and guidance from many energies, but your main guide is the one who is leading the way. When you become aware of her, she will be able to speak to you more and more clearly while you are on the earth, and your journey will become easier and more blessed. Make a quiet time every day or so to ask your primary guide to come to you. Ask for a name and an image. I am Kathie's guide Alianna, and appear to her as a female in white robes. That is merely the symbology that works for her. Your spirit may appear to you in any form at all. An animal, a person, male or female, a superhero even, or just a shimmering light. Whatever feels most inviting and comforting for you. We are always so happy when you open up to us while on the earth plane. Try it!

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