Saturday, July 31, 2010
Expansion and Rejoicing
Whatever way you find to connect with spirit and express your true divinity, if you are really in touch with all that is, it will manifest in kindness and love. Please accept others' spiritual choices. Whatever path to oneness you follow, open yourself to the path fully. Let it be an inner journey, and not end with the outward trappings. Whatever your path to spirit, spirit is your shelter and solace, your expansion and rejoicing.
Friday, July 30, 2010
We Love and Cherish You
Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Stop telling yourself you can't do it or shouldn't have it or are damaged goods. Stop telling yourself you are bad or weak or undeserving. You are none of these things. Go into your heart and love and accept your true self. You are fine. You are loving, generous, relaxed, content, thoughtful, creative, strong, open, worthy, blessed, funny, beautiful, appreciated, helpful, friendly, trustworthy, loyal, human. We love and cherish you. You should do the same.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Relax Your Body Into the Knowing
It's remarkable what you humans find to talk about. It's good to get your language precise and communicate clearly with one another, but also it's good to accept that some things will never be clear. Trying to sort out words like "soul" and "spirit" or "god" and "universe" might be an honorable exercise. However, why not allow yourselves to agree that in the physical realm, these things are essentially ineffable. You can approach them from heartspace, you can relax your body into the knowing, but you cannot parse out an accurate and adequate definition. Just relish the moments when you feel it, and don't worry about nailing it down.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Breathe In Your Blessings
Where Kathie is right now, it is raining. Rain is the most wonderful thing in your physical world. Imagine! This precious, pure, miraculous substance is a gift to you. You don't even have to ask for it, it just falls from the sky. Feel the earth luxuriate in the cooling, nourishing, life-giving bounty of rain. You are able to accept this blessing from the universe and enjoy it. Other blessings are just as available, if less tangible. Accept those blessings, too. Your universe provides you with love, connection, forgiveness, acceptance, generosity, and the chance to contribute to the well-being of the planet and all her inhabitants. Breathe in these blessings as the soil around you soaks in the rain. Breathe in your blessings.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Walk Through the World
Many of you are looking for a true love. Many of you feel sad and lonely. Many of you are dissatisfied in your current relationships. You have become so disconnected from each other and from your true inner beauty that loneliness seems inevitable. However, once you begin to focus on the positives of your current life situation, and at the same time to create a picture of your ideal life and spend time with it, then the changes you yearn for will start to happen. Everyone is connected, and in the physical realm, everyone is also alone. Be happy with your current state of affairs. Walk through the world with your head up. Be curious about people. Be open to the random conversation, the accidental meeting. Be loving and accepting of yourself. Living this way is its own reward.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Life Is Great!
Boy howdy! Life is great! There's something to enjoy every second. Don't miss out by always thinking about what you don't have. Right here, right now, everything is available to you. Have fun! Really! Just relax and have some fun!
Friday, July 23, 2010
You Are Divinely Protected
You are divinely protected. You are divinely protected. You are divinely protected. You have access to our protecion at all times, but you might choose a scary experience for the purposes of your growth. If you think through what you might learn from a scary experience, and then just turn your atttention to beleiving the knew thought, then you are able to avoid the fright. You are well able to take care of yourself and to live and love and have a long and peaceful life. Always remember we are here looking after you and call on us in times of need. You are divinely protected.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Your Spirit Guide
Each of you has a guiding spirit who is always there for you. You will know this spirit immediately when you return home to us. You receive help and guidance from many energies, but your main guide is the one who is leading the way. When you become aware of her, she will be able to speak to you more and more clearly while you are on the earth, and your journey will become easier and more blessed. Make a quiet time every day or so to ask your primary guide to come to you. Ask for a name and an image. I am Kathie's guide Alianna, and appear to her as a female in white robes. That is merely the symbology that works for her. Your spirit may appear to you in any form at all. An animal, a person, male or female, a superhero even, or just a shimmering light. Whatever feels most inviting and comforting for you. We are always so happy when you open up to us while on the earth plane. Try it!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Give Your Heart to Your Work
when you give your heart to your work, you will do a good job and enjoy it. When you give your heart to your work, you will be amply rewarded. When you give your heart to your work, you will create a career that brings you fulfillment. Start wherever you are right now, no matter what you think about the job you have, to do it with all your heart, to the best of your ability and attention, and you will move through your work life with joy. Do it now, and the opportunities for change and advancement will open up to you. Do it with your whole heart.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Be Open to Alternatives
OR is a great word. Whenever you hear yourself in a negative thought, follow it with OR and an alternative. "I'm never going to find love... OR maybe it's just around the corner!" "My boss is so mad at me... OR maybe she's just having a bad day!" It's a really good start to letting go of your attachment to negative thinking. "I'm terrible at this... OR maybe I'll be good at it if I practice more!" "This spirit stuff is hogwash... OR maybe there's something to it after all!" Be open to the alternatives. They are always there.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Choose Light
Your path lies before you. You are in control. You have chosen at the karmic level your general direction, but every moment is an opportunity for decision. Every moment, you can choose light or confusion. Every moment, you can choose love or fear. There are infinite possibilities for how your life will play out from now on. Choose joy. Choose generosity. Choose pleasure. Choose forgiveness and acceptance. Choose connection. Choose light.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Universe Needs You
Most of the time, you are doing the best you can. When you recognize that you are not, please listen for what you need. It is in distress that you act out. When you find yourself behaving in a way that doesn't live up to your own principles, ask yourself what you are missing. Rest, eat well, get some support. Take good care of yourself so that the world receives the best you possible. We need you. The universe needs you.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
If You Are Happy, Smile
If you are hungry, eat. If you are sad, cry. If you are happy, smile. If you feel generous, give. If you are lonely, call someone. If you want to be alone, find the space. It's all okay. It's all part of the human experience. No judging, no guilt, no resentment. When you are in your heart space, you can do what you want without causing harm. That is not to say no one will ever disagree with your choice, or allow themselves hurt feelings based on their interpretation of your decision. That is their own responsibility, however. It is not for you to say what is best for someone else. Only for yourself. If you are centered, breathe and relax and love. If you are agitated, do the same. All is well.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
When we are with you, you glow with the love of the universe. When you are with us you glow. When you are in spirit with us, all is revealed to you, and all is known. The testing ground of earth requires that most of the time, you behave as if you do not have that knowledge. The truth is, though, that the love of the universe, the knowledge of all that is, is constantly within your grasp. Love, love love. Open, open, open. Relax, relax, relax. Smile, and we are smiling with you. Smile, and your aura brightens. Smile, and your face lights up. Smile, and you are a beacon to others. Smile.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Start With the Words
Start with the words. "I am joyful." If you can't say positive words like that and feel better, back up a bit. "I am open to the possibility of being joyful." Still too hard? "I am willing to acknowledge the possibility of being open to the possibility of experiencing joy." Take it as far as you need to in order to say it with confidence. When the minimal statement feels absolutely true, step it up a notch. Soon you will be able to say "I am joyful" when you are not, and it will open up your heart to joy in that moment. Just try it for a while. Trust the process. If you don't trust the process, be open to the possibility that there might be something good to come of the process! Language is powerful. Use it for growth, empowerment, and happiness.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Lovely Spirit, A Caring Heart
Dear one, you are blessed with many talents. You are blessed with many gifts. You are blessed with a lovely spirit and a caring heart. That's all you need to know. You are not doomed by whatever has come before. Simply love.
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's Always Possible
It's always possible to breathe and let everything go It's always possible to find five minutes for yourself. It's always possible to take that step you've been afraid of up to now. Decide and go. It's always possible.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Reach Out
Find someone who listens to you without judgment or unsolicited advice. Find someone who knows about your work and can help you think about it. Find someone who enjoys the things you enjoy. Find someone who is willing to help you out. Find someone you can speak your worst fears to. Find someone you can relax and let everything go with. And don't think that all these are necessarily found in one person. Make a community of support and fun and comfort and love. Reach out.
Friday, July 9, 2010
All Work is Honorable
It is important to work. It is your way of expressing your true self. So find work that nourishes you and fulfills you. Work that might make you physically tired at the end of the day, but that does not make you emotionally weary. Start with finding what you like about your current job, and focus on that. Keep your eyes open for opportunity, take risks, and you will create a rewarding work life. Don't work for money. Work for love and to contribute to the betterment of the world. All work, when performed with integrity and good will, and with your whole heart, is honorable.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Just Believe!
Believe it or not, you are fine. Believe it or not, all is well. Believe it or not, your heart is full. So why not just believe it? Wouldn't that be more fun? More relaxing? More joyful? Just believe!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Please allow yourself to open up to your unconscious motivations. There are so many thoughts going on just below the surface that are affecting your behavior. When you open up to these painful thoughts, you can release them and move forward with greater clarity and inner peace. Allow all the wounded parts of you to speak, and listen to them with love and acceptance.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Right Now You Are Choosing
It's true that you create your own life. With every breath you are choosing where to be, what to think, how to feel, what to say and do. So, for your own sake and the sake of the world around you, be conscious of the choosing. "Right now, I am choosing to go buy groceries. Right now, I am choosing to read a book instead of doing my work. Right now I am choosing to be really angry at my girlfriend. Right now, I am choosing to get drunk enough to pass out." Maybe when you consciously acknowledge what you are choosing, the alternatives will start to become clearer. Then the choices you make that are for your highest good will come with less self-doubt, and the choices you are making that are holding you back from happiness will be more easily released. Try it!
Monday, July 5, 2010
We Are With You
We want to talk to you about our relationship with souls having a human experience. We do not make things happen for you. We do not predetermine anything. You decide, when you are with us, what you want to accomplish in this particular leg of your journey, and then you arrange with your soul group how best to make it happen. You have a general idea of what your life will be like, but you are constantly renogotiating on the soul level. Usually, because the human experience is so laden with limitations, the journey is perceived as difficult for you. However, it need not be. You can move quickly up the scale of experience to enlightenment. The more you release release release your self-centeredness and fear, the more you release release release your reliance on outside factors for your happiness, the more quickly you will ascend to bliss. You are constantly given opportunities simply to learn the lessons of love, compassion, appreciation, and mindfulness. Simply accept. Simply love. Simply be. Then your path will be joyous and full of good will.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Freedom Is Yours
Freedom is yours. You choose every moment how to think and behave. As a social being, it is in your best interest to consider the best interest of the group, and so you have devised laws and social customs. Always remember, though, it is you who are choosing to "play by the rules." You are free. When you accept responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions, you can release any sense of being controlled or manipulated by others. You decide for yourself. When you fully accept responsibility, you are most free.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Allow your passions. Show the world who you really are. Don't judge or minimize your gifts. Love! Love! Love! Love! Love!!! Feel the fire inside and express it fully. Show the dark with the light. Allow yourself to learn in public. You'll get better. It's all part of the human experience. Do it! Do it! Do it!!! Enjoy! Give! Receive! Live! Live! Live!!!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Such Power! Such Light! Such Beauty!
There is such power in you! There is such an ability to heal -- to heal yourself and others. There is such a warmth, such a light shining deep witin you. Please don't hide it! Please don't be embarrassed or self-conscious about it! Please show the world your beautiful self!
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