Saturday, October 24, 2009

Your First Refuge

No one and nothing outside of you is the cause of your anger or hurt. The situation or the action of another is what it is. The source of your anger or hurt is the meaning that you place upon the situation or action -- more particularly, what you think the situation or action says about you -- about your safety, your worth, your life. Allow your own natural ability to heal to be your first refuge. "He's doing that. What can I do now, what am I willing to do now, that will allow me to maintain my own sense of peace and happiness?" A wonderful way to state your intention is to begin "I love myself, therefore...." When you feel that self-love bubbling up, when you allow your actions to be informed by that self-love, you will be open to generosity, understanding, compassion and acceptance. Give up the stories you tell yourself. Find the truth. You create your life, moment by moment.

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